In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
"Truly! To Allah we belong and truly, to Him we shall return" (Sura 2: 156)
"It is one of the rights of a Muslim over another Muslim that he should visit his grave."
-Imam Ja'fer As-Sadiq (A.S.)
History of burials for KSIMC of Birmingham
The first Khojas arrived in Birmingham in 1968. The exact numbers are not known but until 1972, no more than 5 families had settled in Birmingham. Following the exodus of Asians from Uganda in 1972, the population of Khojas in Birmingham began to increase significantly. Today the Community has a population of just under 2000 people. To read more about KSIMC of Birmingham, click here.
Owing to lack of proper facilities, funeral arrangements in those days were made by employing the services of Ambler Funeral Home in Kings Heath. With the construction of the Imambargah in 1981, all funeral arrangements were undertaken in-house.
According to burial records held by the KSIMC of Birmingham, the Marhumeen of our Community have been buried in 3 cemeteries in Birmingham, namely Brandwood End Cemetery (6 burials), Widney Manor Cemetery (4 burials) and Handsworth Cemetery (252 burials). The earliest burial recorded goes back to March 1973 in Brandwood End Cemetery. The first burial in Handsworth Cemetery of our Community member took place in January 1974. Since then, this Cemetery has been used by our Community for virtually every burial.
Handsworth Cemetery was opened in 1909 by Handsworth Urban District Council and was taken over by Birmingham City Council when the City expanded in 1911. Of its 68 acres, 40 have been developed by burials. Grave sections vary in denomination from consecrated, Free Church, Roman Catholic and Muslim. Adult graves for up to 2 full body burials are available on all these sections. There are various Muslim sections in which Muslims of all sects are buried. Exclusive Rights of Burial in the graves are given for a period of 75 years to a maximum depth of 9 feet, where practicable with the option to renew such Rights on the terms then prevailing for a similar Grant.
Under the foresightedness of various leaders of our Community, the following numbers of plots for graves have been purchased at different times to enable Jamaat members to be buried in a common area in Handsworth Cemetery, namely, Sections 73 and 66:
March 1995 140 Sec 73
March 1997 23 Sec 73
April 2004 72 Sec 73
April 2004 30 Sec 66
May 2010 70 Sec 73 (with possibility to double-deck)
March 2013 30 Sec 66
Total 365
Up to 20th October 2013, we have carried out 264 burials (this does not include those who died in Birmingham and were buried in other parts of the World). 138 burials have been carried out in the Jamaat plots.
Based on the average number of deaths per annum in the Community over the last few years, it is expected that the unused plots will meet our needs for the next 15 years. However, since land for graves is getting scarce in the major cities of UK, it would be wise for KSIMC of Birmingham to purchase more plots at Handsworth Cemetery as and when the opportunity arises.
May Allah (swt) reward all those who have been instrumental in developing these services for our Community.
Please recite a Surah- e- Fateha for all Marhumeen.
If you notice any errors or omissions, please click here.
If you wish to report any news of death for Birmingham, please click here